Sunday, May 4, 2008

Jackie Chan yo!

Tonight, my friend Jon and I (T.J.) played at the San Diego State University Electro-Acoustic Music Marathon. Our piece was called 'Jackie Chan Live Now Yes.' We logged all the hit points in a Jackie Chan fight scene (from 'Rumble in the Bronx'), set a click track that changed tempo and meter to hit all the points, and then improvised a live film score to it. I've never done anything like that before, but it was a blast. We pretty much tried to hit every punch, block, kick, and elbow jab we could. I was on drums, and Jon was on guitar. In the 2 minute, 45 second scene, we synced up with about 88 things from the fight scene. The image above is the first page of our musical road map. I'd post a video of it, but I didn't bring a camera, and I don't think anyone else was taping. Fun stuff though!

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